Event Space Available for Small Groups

The Event Room can cater to parties of thirty people or less at this time and is currently booking Event Space. We are living in challenging times, where most of us have little to no experience. A global pandemic is scary and causes a lot of panic and uncertainty. After living with this new reality, everyone is adapting to a new way of life from our careers, our kids' schooling, and how we shop and clean. For the first time, we are hearing terms like social distancing and flattening the curve. For most of us, the distance from our friends and family causes sadness and loneliness.

We want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with everyone at this time. We have faith things will get better. Maintaining social distancing makes it hard to celebrate with our loved ones. At The Event Room, our entire business involves your special events, gatherings, and parties. We miss celebrating with you.

A Thankful Heart During The Crisis

Even amidst a pandemic, we have so many reasons to be thankful. There are many things we can take away from this experience, not taking our health and luxuries for granted, learning we can live with less that we thought we could, and we have more quality time with our families. People are making more time for our long-overdue home projects, and many of you have started crafting and doing art. It is incredible what we can do when we quiet our minds for a little while and find inspiration in the things around us. We know we will get through this together. Our resilience as human beings is pretty extraordinary. We want to say a special thank you to everyone working in the healthcare field on the front line of this crisis.

Book Your Event Space

We do not know what the future holds, but LaShana and the staff of The Event Room are here for you once we can celebrate together again.  Contact Us to set up a consultation. Try to stay positive and safe and remember to be thankful for the small things. Until we meet again, you all remain in our prayers.

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